Recruiting and Referal process

Looking for a freight agent, carrier sales or dispatch?

Freight Agent Refferal Program

Sign up for a Freight Referal program with the freight broker academy and grow your business with our graduated candidates.

The purpose of our referral program is to incentivize businesses to help recruit talented and capable freight agents and industry professionals which can benefit the company by expanding its network and increasing its capacity to serve clients. It is a win-win-win situation where the referrer receives rewards for their successful referrals, the company gains access to new agents who can contribute to its growth and success and the graduate gets the desired position.

A freight agent referral program is a program that rewards individuals and businesses for referring new freight agents or industry professionals to a freight brokerage or logistics company. Freight agents, also known as freight brokers or transportation brokers, are professionals who connect shippers with carriers to facilitate the transportation of goods.

The specifics of a freight agent referral program may vary depending on the compay's requirements. It's recommended that requestor of the service would leave a complete list of requirements while submitting request for referral service.

1. Referral Incentives: The program offers a job placement offers to it’s students and trained personal to businesses who requires qualified candidates, freight agents, freight sales and dispatchers.

2. Eligibility Criteria: There may be certain eligibility criteria that the referred candidates need to meet in order for the referrer to qualify for the referral incentives. These criteria could include the successful completion of training, obtaining necessary licenses or certifications, meeting performance targets or requesters criteria.

3. Referral Process: The program will have a defined process for submitting referrals. This may involve filling out referral forms, providing contact information of the referred candidate, and possibly sharing information about the candidate’s qualifications or experience.

4. Evaluation and Approval: The freight brokerage or logistics company will review the referred candidate’s information and determine their suitability for becoming a freight agent. This evaluation process may include interviews, background checks, and assessing their industry knowledge and skills.

5. Reward Distribution: Once the referred candidate becomes an approved freight agent and meets the program’s eligibility criteria, the referrer will receive their reward or incentive. The method of distribution can vary, but it is typically through direct payment or credited to the referrer’s account.

Have questions about these services?

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